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Water Tank Cleaning & Disinfecting

Water Tank Cleaning & Disinfecting

services details

It is a fact that unhealthy water is the 6th leading cause of death around the world and comes just after alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking on this list. Most of us do not take the trouble of getting our water tanks cleaned periodically but this casualness can prove fatal.

Unclean water can carry many harmful germs. Water can thus get infected with various kinds of diseases including dysentery, cholera, gasto and several others.

Mobile Service Van for Water Tank Cleaning & Disinfecting

services details
Even if we use filtered water for drinking or cooking purpose, water filtration systems may not prove 100% effective if water tank is not clean. Therefore, it is very important to clean and disinfect the water tanks and its network installed in our houses and workplaces on a regular basis, so to remove algae (plant growth which produces bad tastes and odours), sedimentand bacteria

Team at work


Concrete Water Tanks


Fiber Glass Water Tanks


Multipanel Water Tanks